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AMEL Technologies, Inc. strives for innovation through continuous learning. In addition to our engineering services, research is also conducted in our respective fields. Below are publications that provide the results of the research performed with authors from AMEL Technologies, Inc. in bold characters. 

Yalcintas, M., Hagen, W.T., Kaya, A., 2015, "An Analysis of Load Reduction and Load Shifting Techniques in Commercial and Industrial Buildings Under Dynamic Electricity Pricing Schedules", Energy and Buildings, Vol. 88, pp. 15-24.


Kaya, A., Yalcintas, M., 2010, "Energy Consumption Trends in Hawaii", Energy, Vol. 35, pp. 1363-1367.


Rima, J., Marucie, A., Yalcintas, M., Kaya, A., 2010, "Removal of TDS from Cooling Tower Water by Using EDTA-Modified Bagasse Fibers", Journal of Environmental Engineering, ASCE.


Yalcintas, M., Kaya, A., 2009, "Conservation vs. renewable energy: Case studies from Hawaii", Energy Policy, Vol. 37, pp. 3268-3273. 


Yalcintas, M., 2008, "Energy-savings predictions for building equipment retrofits", Energy and Buildings, Vol. 40, Issue 12, pp. 2111-2120. 


Yükselen-Aksoy, Y., Kaya, A., Ören, A., 2008, "Seawater Effect on Consistency Limits and Compressibility Characteristics of Clays", Engineering Geology, Vol. 102, pp. 54-61. 


Yükselen, Y., Kaya, A., 2008, "Suitability of the Methylene Blue Test for Surface Area, Cation Exchange Capacity and Swell Potential Determination of Clayey Soils", Engineering Geology, Vol. 102, pp. 38-45. 


Yalcintas, M., Ozturk, A.U., 2007, "An energy benchmarking model based on artificial neural network method utilizing US Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey (CBECS) database", International Journal of Energy Research, Vol. 31, Issue 4, pp. 412-421.


Kaya, A., Ören, A., Yükselen, Y., 2006, "Settling of Kaolinite in Different Aqueous Environment", Marine Georesources and Geotechnology, Vol. 24, pp. 203-218.


Yalcintas, M., 2006, "An energy benchmarking model based on artificial neural network method with a case example for tropical climates", International Journal of Energy Research, Vol. 30, Issue 14, pp. 1158-1174.


Kaya, A., Ören, A., 2005, "Adsorption of Zinc from Aqueous Solutions to Bentonite", Journal of Hazardous Materials, Vol. B125, pp. 183-189. 


Kaya, A., Ören, A., 2005, "Factors Affecting Adsorption Characteristics of Zn2+ on Two Natural Zeolites", Journal of Hazardous Materials. [


Yalcintas, M., Akkurt S., 2005, "Artificial neural networks applications in building energy predictions and a case study for tropical climates", International Journal of Energy Research, Vol. 29, Issue 10, pp. 891-901.


Yalcintas, M., Dai, H., 2004, "Vibration suppression capabilities of magnetorheological materials based adaptive structures", Journal of Smart Materials and Structures, Vol. 13, pp. 1-11.


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